MetaMask connected to Binance Smart Chain

Connecting MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain you can operate on the TMPR, Trademark Public Register

In this video we’ll quickly explain how to install MetaMask and connect it ti the Binance Smart Chain so you can interact on the TMPR, the Trademark Public Register.

  • Installing and Configuring MetaMask

    In the first place, you have to scroll down to the MetaMask download page. Once you’re there, elect the platform that you’re using, and follow the steps.

    Following that, go to the installation specified by the app. Keep going and click on “Create a Wallet”.

    And that’s it! Now we have to be able to see your wallet, ready to send and receive funds.

  • Configuring the wallet

    We’ll have to access Settings to aim the wallet toward the Binance Smart Chain’s nodes.

    On the “Settings” page, we have to locate the “Networks” menu.

    We have to click on Add Network in the upper right-hand corner, so we manually add the Binance Smart Chain – since it hasn’t been integrated with MetaMask. There are two networks we can use: the Testnet or the Mainnet.

  • Mainnet (This is probably the one you’re going to look for)

    Network name: Smart Chain

    New RPC URL:

    ChainID: 56

    Symbol: BNB

    Block Explorer URL:

  • Testnet

    Network name: Smart Chain Testnet

    New RPC URL:

    ChainID: 97

    Symbol: BNB

    Block Explorer URL:

We recommend adding both if you hope to use MetaMask for transferring BNB or tokens from the Binance Smart Chain.

Once you have saved the network and return to the main view, take note of two things: the network has been automatically configured and what you enter are no longer named BNB.